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发布时间: 2021-08-13 00:08:18

⑴ 用英语翻译“了解外国文化,学习先进技术”

了解外国文化,学习先进技术,翻译是:Learn about foreign culture and learn advanced technology.

foreign 英[ˈfɒrən] 美[ˈfɔ:rən]
adj. 外国的,外交的; 外来的; 不相干的; [医] 异质的;
[例句]She was on her first foreign holiday without her parents.

advanced 英[ədˈvɑ:nst] 美[ədˈvænst]
adj. 先进的; 高等的,高深的; 年老的; 晚期的;
v. 前进(advance的过去式和过去分词); 增加; 上涨;
[例句]Without more training or advanced technical skills, they'll lose their jobs.

technology 英[tekˈnɒlədʒi] 美[tekˈnɑ:lədʒi]
n. 科技(总称); 工业技术; 工艺学; [总称] 术语;
[例句]Technology is changing fast.

⑵ 我学的是会计专业 英文怎么

我学的是会计专业:I'm majoring in accounting.

major 英 [ˈmeɪdʒə(r)] 美 [ˈmedʒɚ]

majoring 释义major(以…为专业)的现在分词形式;

adj. 主要的;重要的;大调的;主修的(课程)

n. 主修科目;大调;陆军少校;成年的

vi. <美>主修,专攻;[美国英语][教育学]主修(in);专攻 第三人称

accounting 英 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ] 美 [əˈkaʊntɪŋ]

n. 会计;会计学;记账

v. 记述,报告

⑶ 学习会计英语的心得 英文版!

To learn accounting, first of all from the "Basic Accounting" to start learning. Because, "Basic Accounting" is the accounting system, an important part of discipline, is an accountant, an introctory course. Accounting disciplines to learn, first of all to learn basic accounting. As the accounting profession students, the future will continue to learn intermediate financial accounting, cost accounting, management accounting, financial management and some deep-level accounting courses, proficiency in basic accounting theory, methods, learn from other accounting courses for the future is to lay the foundation very important.

⑷ 学习国外先进的技术的翻译是:什么意思



Learn advanced foreign technology.

⑸ 请帮我翻译一段会计方面的英文





使命/目标——TCM哲学应该围绕组织使命/目标进行演化。图3,圆形图示展现了公司的使命/目标和一流的管理专注于TCM的实施。持续改进的承诺和步骤需要加强,它必须符合使命宣言,核心竞争力与组织的长期目标。首席执行官Gordon Forward解释了Chaparral Steel的使命:“我们的核心竞争力之一是能将新技术快速使用到产品上。我们是一个学习型组织。“将此作为重点,我们的管理风格是开放型的,没有指定的停车位,安全帽不设置颜色来区分头衔或职位,公司食堂是一个当地的餐馆。


⑹ 求专业的会计英文翻译高手!

the statistical caliber,统计口径
the contract wages, 合同工资
the reality pays out thewages, 实发工资
the tax payment proved that,纳税证明
the goal bonus, 目标奖金
reimburses byticket凭票报销

⑺ 麻烦用英语翻译:1与不同文化背景的人交友;2学习国外先进的科学技术;3更快的提高英语…

1 make frends with people different cultural backgrounds2 Learn foreign advanced science and technology3 faster to improve his English或者improve his English more quickly

⑻ 求翻译成英文 随着社会经济、科技技术的发展,会计本身产生了巨大的变化。

To keep abreast with the development in social economy and in technologies, the accounting system has undergone a great changes- with the digital computer is getting more popular and the internet technology has also evolved swiftly, the social information has impact on the accounting system changes. The changes in accounting system has challenged the traditional/legacy manual accounting system, and also, its related areas/instries, once the accounting system has been computerized, the fundamental accounting theory and practice would also been affected profoundly. As for the comparison and constrast of manual and computerized of the accounting system, this acticle illustrates breiftly on the manual accounting system and computerized one, and the analysis of their differences. Moreover, it highlights the advantages in computerized accounting system and advocates that the computerization in accounting system is the way of accounting system evolution.

⑼ 请帮忙将一些会计专业的课程名称翻译成英文

大学英语 College English
微积分 Calculus
线性代数 Linear Algebra
概率论与数理统计 Probability and Statistics
微观经济学 Microeconomics
宏观经济学 Macroeconomics
市场营销 Marking
经济法 Law of Economics
管理学 Management
中级财务会计 Intermediate Accountment
政治经济学 Political Economics
财政学 Finance
统计学 Statistics
电子商务 E-Business
数据库 Database
人际关系学 Human Relations
C语言 C Language
初级会计学 Intro. Accounting
财务管理 Financial Management
税务会计 Taxation
高级财务会计学 Advanced Accounting
成本会计学 Cost Accounting
税法与税收筹划 Taxation Law and Planning
边缘会计 Marginal Accounting
管理会计 Management Accounting
审计学 Auditing
跨国公司理财 Multinational Company Financing
财务分析 Accounting Analysis
会计专业外语 Accounting English
会计理论专题 Accounting Thesis Seminar
模拟沙盘演练 Simulated sand-table exercise

⑽ 会计英语翻译。高手仔细翻译。机器翻译不要的!·


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