1. 請問誰能幫我把會計的一些課程描述翻譯成英文,謝謝!
Principles of Accounting:
Principles of Accounting:
"Accounting Principles," also known as "accounting basis", "Basic Accounting" is the accounting profession professional basic courses, but also financial management, business administration, logistics management, information management, professional compulsory subjects. "Accounting Principles" set out the main accounting basic theory, basic methods and basic skills is that students are learning "Financial Accounting" and "financial management" and other professional courses in the pilot, is to learn to master the basic knowledge of accounting, the accounting discipline in the whole system of and management disciplines with a basic status of the system.
Is a professional basic course in accounting undergraate students of compulsory professional accountancy students enlightenment on the role of entry, mainly to enable students to understand the basic principles of accounting, the basic theory and methods.
Financial Accounting (Intermediate Accounting):
This course is based on China's release of "Enterprise Accounting Standards", the latest release of the specific accounting standards and the "Enterprise Accounting System" and other laws and regulations as the basis and logic of the relationship between financial accounting the main line, will be divided into two major financial accounting, Part I of financial accounting theory systems (chapter I); The second part is about the assets, liabilities, equity, revenues, expenses and profits and other financial accounting elements of the recognition, measurement, recording and reporting (Chapter II to XII) both the elaboration of financial accounting theory, another stress analysis of financial accounting practices. Through this course of study,
Students to master the elements of the financial accounting treatment of accounts, accounting statements have been prepared on the basis that can respond flexibly to the enterprise features, for investors, creditors, government agencies use such statements to provide the information to meet their needs.
Not only to solidify and deepen the theoretical knowledge, but also enhance the ability of students hands-on.
Management Accounting:
Practice Teaching includes the indivial test and comprehensive test of monetary funds, accounts receivable, inventory, fixed assets, intangible assets, liabilities, equity, report preparation and other business operations for single meticulous processing. In the indivial skills to master the future, focusing on a comprehensive skills development, basic accounting cycle selected the most representative summary accounts of subjects proceres given the most basic accounting students, in the careful organization arranged so that students are seriously true, the meticulous books from the certificate to fill in the registration statement prepared to complete the practical operation of this task. The entire procere and contents down,
2. 請財務英語高手幫忙翻譯一些課程名稱,謝!
會計學原理 accounting principle
中級財務會計 junior financial accounting
高級財務會計 senior financial accounting
審計學 audit
財務管理 financial management
成本會計 cost accounting
管理會計 management accounting
財務報表分析 financial statement analysis會計制度設計 accounting system design
專業英語 professional English
經濟學 economics
貨幣銀行學 monetary banking
國際金融 international finance
國際貿易 international trade
經濟法 economic law
稅法 tax law
等 etc.
3. 請幫忙將一些會計專業的課程名稱翻譯成英文
大學英語 College English
微積分 Calculus
線性代數 Linear Algebra
概率論與數理統計 Probability and Statistics
微觀經濟學 Microeconomics
宏觀經濟學 Macroeconomics
市場營銷 Marking
經濟法 Law of Economics
管理學 Management
中級財務會計 Intermediate Accountment
政治經濟學 Political Economics
財政學 Finance
統計學 Statistics
電子商務 E-Business
資料庫 Database
人際關系學 Human Relations
C語言 C Language
初級會計學 Intro. Accounting
財務管理 Financial Management
稅務會計 Taxation
高級財務會計學 Advanced Accounting
成本會計學 Cost Accounting
稅法與稅收籌劃 Taxation Law and Planning
邊緣會計 Marginal Accounting
管理會計 Management Accounting
審計學 Auditing
跨國公司理財 Multinational Company Financing
財務分析 Accounting Analysis
會計專業外語 Accounting English
會計理論專題 Accounting Thesis Seminar
模擬沙盤演練 Simulated sand-table exercise
4. 一些會計的英語詞彙翻譯,急!!!!
5. 這幾個會計課程英文怎麼翻譯
經濟數學economic mathematics
基礎會計Basic Accounting
統計會計學原理general theory of statistics and Accounting
中級財務會計middle-level financial accounting
電算化會計1. accounting computerization
2. accounting by electronic data processing
管理會計administrative accounting
審計學原理1. auditing principle
2. principle of auditing
成本會計cost accounting
西方經濟學western economics
財務管理 financial management
經濟法概論Introction to Economic Law
計算機基礎實驗 吧?Basic Experiments in Computer
基礎會計 經濟法概論 是專有名詞要大寫首字母的
6. 請問一下誰能幫我把以下會計學的12門課程的英文名稱列出來啊。拜謝!!!!
基礎會計 Basis of accounting
經濟法概論 Introction to economic law
西方經濟學 Western Economics
成本會計 Cost accounting
稅收 Tax revenue
中級財務會計(上)Intermediate financial accounting ( 1)
管理會計 Management accounting
會計信息系統 Accounting information system
中級財務會計(下) Intermediate financial accounting ( 2)
財務管理 Financial management
高級會計專題 Senior accounting
審計學 Auditing
7. 幫忙翻譯一些會計英語,急
CO cash order keeping 現金匯票保管
Voucher booking 憑證編制
Account Checking 對賬
Submission of Export Refund Documents 出口退稅資料申報
Cheque 支票(英式英語)check 支票(美式英語)
8. 一些會計詞彙的英語翻譯~~謝謝~~
「差旅費用報銷」Business trip expense reimbursement
財務數據錄入 financial data entry
固定資產管理 fixed-assets management
總賬管理 general ledger management
對賬管理 checking management
銀行業務 banking business
流動現金管理cash flow management
9. 請問大家,會計專業的各門課程的英語怎麼說